
The Sanctuary for Predators and Exotic Animals is a non-profit organization. All expenses are financed solely through private donations and membership fees. It’s only due to your help that we‘ll be able to keep on caring for our animals!

Do you have a favorite animal? Support it with a sponsorship!

As a sponsor of a SPEA-animal, you can make sure “your” animal sweetheart profits from your donation directly: sponsorship money goes directly into funding a specific animals’ food, medicine and treatments.

One of our main goals consists in giving children an understanding of our animals and the care they require. Our sponsorship in pocket money range (1 Euro per month) ensures that every heartfelt donation, no matter how small, is appreciated.

Are you searching for a unique gift for an animal-loving friend? Why not give them a sponsorship? Of course you are allowed to spend more money on a sponsorship than the minimum. Naturally we appreciate your monetary support at whatever level is possible for you!

The sponsorships can be paid via monthly direct debit payments („Lastenschrifteinzug“) or in cash. Every sponsor will receive a custom sponsorship certificate, with their own name and a picture of the animal in question – it goes without saying that this also applies for our junior sponsors! The minimum duration of a sponsorship is one year, after which you are free to extend the sponsorship period for as long as you wish.

In order to print out a sponsorship application, click here (German).


  • Sponsorships can be given as a gift
  • The minimum sponsorship contribution can be found next to your favorite animal
  • The sponsorship fees can be paid via monthly direct debit payments („Lastenschrifteinzug“) or in cash directly at the SPEA
  • Children‘s sponsorship cost 1 Euro per month – it doesn’t matter which animal the financial support is intended for. We encourage you to pay these sponsorships either in cash or as a one-time bank transfer.
  • The minimum duration for sponsorships consists of one year, however there is no limit. We’d love for you to support one of our animals on a permanent or open-end basis
  • Not only does every sponsor receive a sponsorship certificate, we will also invite you to our exclusive Sponsors‘ Day, which includes a special guided tour through the grounds, in depth information about your animal sweetheart as well as tea and delicious cakes at the Tiger Café. We always plan fun activities and games for our youngest guests. The date for the next Sponsors’ Day will be announced in due time.

Please see the current pricing list on the German page. Thank you!

Note: Sponsorships are on a voluntary basis and categorized as a disinterested financial contribution to the SPEA with symbolic character. You don‘t have any obligations or claims regarding the SPEA or the animals when taking on a sponsorship. Our animals can have more than one sponsor at the same time.

Donations to a non-profit organization are tax-deductible. If desired it’s absolutely no trouble for us to draw up a donation receipt for you.

You have the possibility of making a positive change in our animals‘ life through your commitment, donations, sponsorships or through the membership of our association. Without you giving these animals a life worth living wouldn‘t be possible!