
The Sanctuary for Predators and Exotic Animals has a lot to offer. Don’t be shy! You’re more than welcome to experience our animals and our work in person by coming by our open house – or simply by browsing through our website.
We look forward to seeing you!

In order to gain a sneak peak into the lives of our animals, we’ve gathered some video material, unfortunately only available in German. But you know what they say: “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

On the 6th of January 2013 we were able to shoot a nice video documenting winter fun for the cats at SPEA. Every year Visitors bring by their Christmas trees for our cats, who love to play with these and use them as brushes when it‘s time to shed their winter coats. Christmas trees are only good as long as there are packed presents underneath? Representative for all our animals, Kiara might prove you wrong.