About us

Video about us – German (More videos)

The Sanctuary for Predators and Exotic Animals (on this website often referred to as SPEA or Sanctuary) is a non-profit organization which was founded in 2007. Cats of prey and other exotic animals which were kept illegally or under bad conditions have found a new home here. We do everything in our power to give the animals the best possible home while complying to legal requirements.

We are a Sanctuary for cats of prey, primates and exotic animals in need, unique in the German-speaking world with regard to our task and structure. Our shelter is a non-profit organization and controlled by public authorities. We are proud of the fact that we have been able to form cooperations with various experts such as veterinaries, foresters, zoos and animal shelters with whom we discuss topics such as animal protection and the welfare of our animals.

In 2009 the Sanctuary took over the leased land, which still forms the current SPEA grounds, and the corresponding animals from an insolvent animal organization.

We depend entirely on donations and the work of volunteers. In addition to one employed animal keeper, who is responsible for the day to day animal care, several volunteers spend many hours of their free time looking after the animals at SPEA. Other activities carried out by helpers include organizing events, sprucing the grounds, looking after the homepage and managing the public relations. As an active organization, our main interest is allowing our members, whose first priority is the animals’ welfare, to pitch in.

With the exception of our full-time keeper and the federal service volunteer (Bundesfreiwilligendienstler), who work at the grounds on a daily basis, all the volunteers  help on an honorary basis pitching in during their free time. Each and every support with projects such as helping out at the open house, the Tiger Café, the information stands or the construction and maintenance of this website are considered unpaid (time-) donations.

The official name of our organization is Info-Box REA paint „Raubtier- und Exotenasyl e.V.“ (Sanctuary for Predators and Exotic Animals). However you will often hear its members refer to it as „Raubkatzenasyl“ (Big Cat Shelter) or „Asyl“ (Shelter) since it is much shorter and easier to remember.