Our goals

We help cats of prey, primates and (exotic) animals in need.

As a sanctuary, we are the last resort for many animals, like tigers and cougars, for whom it goes without saying that they cannot be kept at an average animal shelter. The animals who are handed over to us often have unfortunate background stories. While some suffered under bad keeping conditions or were smuggled in the past, others were sold on the black-market, kept illegally or were unable to be returned to the wild. Only a few animals have come to us by means of responsible people – cases in which SPEA was asked for help due to its possibilities for a more species appropriate keeping.

We care for our animals

It is our responsibility to guarantee the animals in our care the best life possible. This includes providing them with appropriate food and medical treatment. We try to give them as much variety in life as our enclosures allow and to just let them be themselves.

To ensure the best possible care we cooperate closely with professionals. We exchange views with zoos and animal keepers, keep in touch with foresters and veterinarians. We always welcome the local veterinary office whose task consists in confirming regularly that our enclosures meet the governments requirements.

We inform about our animals and about animal and nature conservation in general

We would like to give as many people as possible the opportunity to inform themselves about our animals. We will gladly answer all your questions concerning our animals aswell as clarify why wild animals behave differently from pets. We invite members from other sanctuaries or shelters and animal protection organizations to our open house, in order to report about their animals and to exchange valuable tips on various pets and behavior around wild animals.
We would also like to invite you to meet us on any other day of the year as a class, kindergarden group or private individual. Feel free to arrange a date with us.